Second SpeakApps Online Teacher Training Course

We are running another SpeakApps online training course for language teachers.

Take part in the SpeakApps November-December 2014 course and:

  • Learn how to use the SpeakApps Tools which are designed to help students to speak and learn languages online
  • Design, create and share learning tasks which can be used with the SpeakApps tools and also with other similar tools, to facilitate oral language production and interaction for your learning contexts and language(s)
  • Participate in an online community where tasks are shared and openly available through the SpeakApps Open Educational Resource (OER)
  • Gain a SpeakApps Certificate in Online Oral Language Teaching and Learning

How do I Enroll?

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SpeakApps at the 2014 Freiburger Tandem Tagung

The SpeakApps project was invited to give a presentation at the 2014 Tandem Meeting, organised by the Tandem Fundazioa and the Tandembüro at the Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg. The theme of the meeting was the use of images in Tandem exchanges, and our presentation showed how the SpeakApps tools can all be used with both still and moving images to promote both oral production and interaction. The participants, all teachers of German and other foreign languages, were interested to learn about the SpeakApps tools and how to integrate them into … Continue Reading

Mit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnenMit SpeakApps gewonnen


Jedes Semester organisiert die Stabstelle eLearning der Ruhr-Universität
Bochum (RUB) in Deutschland einen eLearning-Wettbewerb, in dem eine
studentische Jury über die fünf besten Projekte entscheidet. Jedes
Projekt wird mit 5000 Euro unterstützt. Der Wettbewerb 2014 stand unter
dem Motto “Come in – we’re open. Offenes Lernen an der RUB”.

Ein Projekt zur Implementierung von SpeakApps des assoziierten
SpeakApps-Partners Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung der RUB war
erfolgreich. In dem Projekt “Spreken mit SpeakApps – mündliche
Interaktion in Niederländisch A2 und B1″ werden die vielen neuen
Möglichkeiten der “SpeakApps” ausgelotet. Die Studierenden
können mündlich kommunizieren und auch ihre Gespräche
aufzeichnen, um sie vom Dozenten kommentieren zu lassen. … Continue Reading

SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!SpeakApps è arrivato in Italia!

Il progetto SpeakApps ha raggiunto anche le coste del sud d’Italia attraverso un workshop tenutosi il 22 ottobre nel “Liceo Linguistico Europeo” di Bitonto, un paese in provincia di Bari. I partecipanti, di tutte le età, includevano insegnanti di scuole elementari, medie e superiori, in prevalenza professori di spagnolo e inglese, ma non sono mancati insegnanti di sostegno per ragazzi disabili. Il workshop è stato sin dall’inizio molto interattivo. È iniziato con una sessione di brainstorming in cui si è riflettuto sull’insegnamento delle abilità orali nelle scuole e nelle università italiane partendo dall’esperienza degli stessi insegnanti coinvolti. … Continue Reading

Teacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in CyprusTeacher Training Workshop in Cyprus

As part of the dissemination programme of the SpeakApps project, Jackie Robbins visited the University of Cyprus Language Centre this week to give two workshops to the enthusiastic foreign language teaching team there. In addition to teachers of English, teachers of Greek, Turkish, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian also attended. The participants took part in activities using the SpeakApps tools Langblog and Tandem, spent time considering task design for oral production and oral interaction tasks in these tools and how to incorporate them into their own teaching context. They also created tasks of their own in the … Continue Reading